Fort Canning Green

Perched high above the sloping fields of Fort Canning Green is a family of nesting White Bellied Sea Eagles. Within sight (just barely) of all the exercise enthusiasts below, the parents can be seen flying in and out. Many of regulars I have spoken to say that they have been spotted a few weeks ago, and I have waited equally long before posting in the hope that the young has fledged. But you can try your luck to spot the birds. Just bring a pair of binoculars.

Munias, Waxbills and White-rumped Sharma at Bishan-Ang Moh Kio Park

One of my favourite birding spots, the BAMK (Bishan Ang Moh Kio) Park is a haven for photographers wanting to shoot various species of birds.

The park is easily accessible via a car park across from McDonalds and GRUB. Park your car there and walk across the bridge. With any luck, you should be able to see some birds from there already.

Map of BAMK Park near GRUB and McDonalds

Perched high up the trees on the left side of the bridge, you should be able to spot some nesting great herons [A]. Sometimes these herons will stoop down to the river banks especially around [B] and you can get some great shots there as well.

Another place worth visiting is just near the Cleansing Biothope around a patch of tall reeds just next to some seats [C]. There you can patiently wait for munias, shrikes, waxbills and other small birds that fly in to feed on the seeds.

On the left side of the Cleansing Biotope are some tall trees [D]. There you will find the lone White-rumped Sharma flying from the branches down to the ground to feed. Since taking the pictures, this Sharma has survived very well and has grown beautiful feathers.


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